The Services we provide
The team at Regal Heritage have undertaken assessments in consultation with the Aboriginal community ranging in large scale Environmental Impact Statements right down to small scale Aboriginal Objects Due Diligence Assessments over the past 20 years in New South Wales. Priding ourselves on maintaining strong relationships with our clients, the Aboriginal community and regulators the Regal Heritage team have a practical and pragmatic approach to Aboriginal heritage assessment and management. The team are capable with assisting with the following types of assessments:
Stakeholder and Community Engagement
Aboriginal Objects Due Diligence Assessment
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessments (ACHA)
Archaeological Assessment (AR)
Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit Applications (AHIP)
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plans (ACHMP)
Expert Witness
Peer, compliancy and adequacy review
Partnerships with Cultural Resource Management companies to assist with report writing, review and field assessment.